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Tips from Nail Techs for clients Who Are Neurodivergent or Have Anxiety

Getting your nails done can be a fun and relaxing experience, but for girls who are neurodivergent or have anxiety, it can sometimes feel overwhelming. Here are some tips from professional nail techs to help make your nail salon visit as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.

1. Communicate Your Needs-

Most nail techs are more than happy to adjust their routine to make you feel more at ease. Whether it’s needing a quieter apt, a specific type of seating or to be guided through, we got you!

2. Bring a Comfort Item-

Bringing a comfort item, like a stress ball, fidget toy, or even a favorite audio book or music playlist, can help you stay calm and focused during your appointment. Monique mentioned bringing a weighted shirt or scarf. Some people find that listening to calming music or a favorite podcast through headphones can help create a more personal and relaxed environment.

3. Opt for Shorter Appointments-

If sitting for long periods is challenging, consider scheduling shorter appointments. You can start with just a basic manicure and gradually add more services as you become more comfortable.

4. A salon with a friendly, understanding staff can make all the difference in your experience. When in New Jersey plan a visit to our salon!

5. Plan Your Visit During Off-Peak Hours-

Visiting the salon during quieter times can help reduce sensory overload. Early mornings or mid-afternoons on weekdays are often less busy, providing a calmer environment for your appointment.

6. Create a Visual or Written Plan-

If uncertainty causes anxiety, create a visual or written plan for your visit. Outline each step of the process, from walking into the salon to the end of your appointment. Knowing what to expect can help reduce anxiety and make the experience more predictable and manageable.

7. Practice Breathing Techniques-

Deep breathing exercises can be incredibly helpful in managing anxiety. Practice a few simple techniques before and during your appointment to help stay calm and centered. One effective method is to inhale slowly for a count of four, hold the breath for four counts, and then exhale for four counts.

8. Bring a Support Person-

If you feel more comfortable with a friend or family member by your side, don’t hesitate to bring someone along. A supportive presence can provide reassurance and help you feel more at ease. Bestie nail sessions are the best!

9. Discuss Sensory Preferences-

If you have specific sensory preferences, such as avoiding certain smells or textures, communicate these to your nail tech. They can often use unscented products or adjust their techniques to better suit your needs.

10. Make sure you take your meds prescribed by your doctor before your appointment.

Remember, the goal is to make your nail salon visit a positive and enjoyable experience. Don’t be afraid to advocate for your needs and take steps to ensure your comfort. With the right approach and a supportive nail tech, you can enjoy the benefits of a beautiful manicure and some well-deserved self-care. 🌸✨

Have you found any tips particularly helpful for managing anxiety or neurodivergence during your nail salon visits? Share your experiences in the comments below!

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